Attorney Pheobe Smith

Attorney Pheobe Smith
Criminal Defense
Trial Attorney
A Personal Note from Attorney Pheobe Smith
“For the past 30 years, my focus has been on defending individuals facing criminal charges. I am deeply passionate about my work and feel privileged to stand by my clients, always approaching each case with humility and honor. Unraveling the unique narrative of each person I represent is a captivating aspect of my role, though it can also be profoundly moving. I firmly believe that when a client entrusts me with their defense, it is not by chance; rather, it signifies a purposeful partnership between us.
I have been fortunate to receive training from some of the most esteemed legal minds in the nation, including Gerry Spence, Randi McGinn, Roger Dodd, Larry Pozner, Terrance MacCarthy, and Michael Tigar, among others. Their mentorship has equipped me with invaluable lessons and skills, which I continuously refine to better serve those under my care.”
Overview and Experience
For thirty (30) years Attorney Pheobe Smith has been defending people accused of crimes. Practicing in both Federal and State courts, she brings experience, intelligence, and compassion to all of her clients. You can read more about Attorney Pheobe Smith and the other members of our legal team on our About Us page. Learn more about her areas of expertise at our firm’s Practice Areas.
Honors and Awards:
- H Texas’s Top Houston Lawyers
- Houstonia’s Top Lawyer
- AVVO Superb Lawyer Rating
- NACDL Lifetime Member
- TCDLEI President’s Service Award
- Member of The College of the State Bar of Texas
Post Graduate Trial Training:
- Federal Sentencing Advocacy Workshop, Defender Services Division, San Antonio, TX
- Advanced Cross Examination, National Criminal Defense College, Atlanta, GA
- Capital Trials Advocacy Institute, Center for American and International Law, Austin, Tx
- Robert F. Hanley Advanced Trial Skills Program, National Institute for Trial Advocacy, Broomfield, Colorado
- The Bryan R. Shechmeister Death Penalty College, University of Santa Clara Law School, California
- Gerry Spence’s Trial Lawyer’s College, Thunderhead Ranch, Duboise, Wyoming
- National Criminal Defense College, Mercer College of Law, Macon, Georgia
- Criminal Trial Advocacy Institute, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas
- J.D., 1993 – Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Texas Southern University
- B.S., 1987, University of Texas, Austin