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What is sex trafficking and what types are we seeing in Texas?

What does the term Sex Trafficking mean? And what types of sex trafficking do we see here in Texas? Sex trafficking is the action or practice of illegally transporting people from one country or area to another for the purpose of sexual exploitation.

Often sex trafficking begins when a man solicits a woman and begins the grooming process, convincing her that there is money to be made within the sex industry. This is usually done without her full consent or awareness of what she is entering into. There are multiple scenarios that can be defined as sex trafficking and each has equally horrible and damaging ramifications.

If you have questions or concerns about someone who may potentially be involved in sex trafficking, it’s important that you confide in someone you trust, there are multiple organizations dedicated to helping victims escape from these harrowing situations. Also, consulting an experienced and knowledgeable attorney may help you through the process.