What should I do if I get pulled over with weed in the car? The question of “what to do if you get pulled over with weed” is indeed a very good one, and is one that could result in dramatically di...
What are the laws related to CBD and CBD with THC?
What are the laws related to CBD and CBD with THC? CBD is quickly becoming a wellness buzzword, promising cures for ailments such as cancer or epilepsy. CBD is a chemical found in marijuana. CBD does...
Is CBD with .3% THC Legal in Texas?
Is CBD with .3% THC Legal in Texas? Make no mistake, Texas doesn’t play around with THC, not even trace amounts. In a recent video with Shawn McDonald of SMB Criminal Defense Lawyers, McDonald expla...
Criminal Defense Trial Attorneys Ft Bend County Texas
Criminal Defense Trial Attorneys Smith, McDonald, Bolin, are solely committed to protecting the rights of those accused of a crime. We strictly handle criminal defense cases and 100% of our practice i...